SoulCollage® Facilitator Training
With Bronwyn Shaunessy
Next training is 25 - 28th March 2021 at Tocal, NSW
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Are you interested in becoming a SoulCollage® Facilitator? You will experience the power of the SoulCollage® process to explore your own inner wisdom, to uncover and work with emotional or creative blocks using images, intuition and imagination, and can then share the process with others. At the same time deepening your own SoulCollage® practice.
Anyone can undertake the Training, you just need a desire to share the process that will help others uncover their inner wisdom. Making SoulCollage® cards is a great way to integrate and deepen self understanding and for people to gather together in a meaningful way.
By participating in this Training you will learn how to prepare for a workshop, create and hold safe space for participants, do SoulCollage® readings, as well as how to promote your workshops. You will find out how to access the rich archive of information available to Facilitators and how to use the World of SoulCollage® website to share your workshops. You will network with like-minded people and become part of a world-wide community of Facilitators.
Once you've completed the Training you will receive a certificate entitling you to use the SoulCollage® trademark and logo in the work you do according to the Principles of SoulCollage®.

Before you come, to a Training, it is important to:
Read SoulCollage® Evolving by Seena B. Frost
Listen to Seena Frost's two basic CDs
Introduction to SoulCollage® and Facilitating SoulCollage® in Groups
Make at least fourteen cards for your own deck in each of three of the suits (two cards in the Companions Suit is sufficient). We want you to have a working knowledge of the SoulCollage® process, its structure of suits, and its Principles.
Experience SoulCollage®! Mariabruna Sirabella, SoulCollage® Trainer, has said that making cards without reading them is like preparing a delicious meal and not eating it. We would like you to have enjoyed your meal by:
Using the "I Am One Who..." exercise with your cards yourself, and
Taking a local workshop if you can find one, or a recorded course if you can't find a local one.
If you can't find a SoulCollage® Introductory workshop near you, you can take a recorded video course which will give you a sense of the deep potential of the SoulCollage® process in community and also give you some valuable basic information.
There are two "Fundamentals of SoulCollage®" courses to choose from online:
If you decide to sign up for this Training, please schedule your time to complete these prerequisites. This is Training, not a retreat, and this preparation is necessary. You, your Trainer and your Training colleagues will appreciate that you have completed the basics before you come.
NOTE: While it is not a pre-requisite, I would strongly recommend that you listen to each of the CDs in Seena's Series "Your SoulCollage® Cards"

* All SoulCollage cards featured on this page have been created using copyright free images.