How to SoulCollage®
Originated by Seena Frost, SoulCollage® is a process for accessing your intuition and creating collage cards with deep personal meaning that will give you unique insights into your life.
This is a multi-levelled, creative process which anyone can do. All you need is a pair of scissors, blank cards (7"x5"), glue stick and images you can cut out from magazines and greeting cards etc. You can do this work individually, but it is more powerful to have other people with whom to share the process.
"SoulCollage® is a tangible way to know yourself in your diversity and depth, and also to show yourself to others. In like-spirited groups, you can share cards and work with them in many sacred ways. You can consult them intuitively and discover wisdom within yourself which will amaze you. Besides all this, creating them is just plain fun! "
~ Seena B. Frost
1. Supplies
Scissors and scalpel
SoulCollage® card (8” x 5” piece of framing matt board)
SoulCollage® frame (Download PDF)
SoulCollage® sleeve (optional)
Gather all your supplies and create a calm space where you can create your SoulCollage® card. It could be on your own or with a group of friends.
Finished Card 1:

"Flow" - I am one who makes a mark in the flow of life.

2. Choose your images
Choose at least 2 and up to around 6 images that you are drawn to. It doesn’t matter if the choices seem strange, just pick the ones that jump out at you (this is very important).

Finished Card 2:

"Inside/Outside" - I am one who steps out into the world with calm confidence.
You can roughly cut around some of the images to eliminate any areas that you don’t want. (You can cut more closely and accurately later)
In this example, as the images are cut out roughly to eliminate unwanted areas, 2 separate cards begin to emerge. Some images fit with both cards and that is OK at this stage. You may have fewer images and they may all hang together to create one card. That is also OK. There is no right and wrong… just let the card come together as it want’s to.
Possible images for Card 1

Possible images for Card 2

3. Create your layout
With your frame as a guide, experiment with different arrangements of your images. Try both landscape and portrait layouts. You do not need to use all the images you have selected or you may find that you need another image for a background. Now can be a good time to cut more closely around some of your images as you decide what you want where. There are NO RULES! Do what feels right to you. TRUST THE PROCESS!

4. Assemble your card
Draw a line around the outside of your layout with the help of your frame and ruler.
Trim the outside of your images. Beginning with the background, glue the images onto your card smoothing out the edges carefully.
Insert into a sleeve if you have one.

5. Read from your Card (I Am One Who…)
"An essential part of the SoulCollage® process is the joy of tapping into one’s intuition to answer current life questions. The visual images that have mysteriously found us, the ones we have glued onto cards and named as our guides, allies, and challengers, will now help us access deep knowings in ourselves." - Seena Frost
Look at one of the images on your card and reflect on it. Is it a person? A child? An animal? Maybe a tree? Or a bridge or building? Put yourself inside this image and feel its energy. Imagine that this image has a voice. Start with the words “I Am One Who…” and keep speaking (or writing) as if you were the image. What are you? What are your strengths? Where are you? How would you describe yourself as that image? How do you interact with the other images on your card? You can then repeat the same process for another of your images on the same card. It may seem strange to speak this way at first! Trust in the process, and give it a try… you may be surprised at the wisdom you uncover!
This method of reading SoulCollage® Cards is not the same as analysing or interpreting the image, it is an intuitive way of listening to the self. It can give life and surprising consciousness to what looks like just a photo and through those images we can come to know ourselves better.